Safe Enough
You know Jack Reacher. Now meet twenty more heroes and heavies from the brilliant mind of legendary crime author Lee Child.
A drug-dealing hit man feels that he must unburden his fears and guilt to a stranger in "Ten Keys." A rookie cop in "Normal in Every Way" is assigned to the department's file room, where he makes connections to historic dates that could lead to solving crimes. A methodical bodyguard quits his job when he's outsmarted. A military mission is planned to perfection. A potential worker for the Manhattan Project is carefully surveilled by an FBI agent. A killer preys on other killers. Taken together, these stories are a riotous calamity of criminals and crime fighters; individually, they are expertly crafted, piercing tales that hit hard enough to leave a mark.
These twenty intriguing, thrilling, and rapid-fire fictions are intimate portraits of humanity at its best and worst, sure to please new and longtime fans of Child and to illuminate a side of the author's work unknown to Reacher devotees. Featuring a colorful new introduction from the author, the collection stands as the first book written entirely by Child in four years.
A drug-dealing hit man feels that he must unburden his fears and guilt to a stranger in "Ten Keys." A rookie cop in "Normal in Every Way" is assigned to the department's file room, where he makes connections to historic dates that could lead to solving crimes. A methodical bodyguard quits his job when he's outsmarted. A military mission is planned to perfection. A potential worker for the Manhattan Project is carefully surveilled by an FBI agent. A killer preys on other killers. Taken together, these stories are a riotous calamity of criminals and crime fighters; individually, they are expertly crafted, piercing tales that hit hard enough to leave a mark.
These twenty intriguing, thrilling, and rapid-fire fictions are intimate portraits of humanity at its best and worst, sure to please new and longtime fans of Child and to illuminate a side of the author's work unknown to Reacher devotees. Featuring a colorful new introduction from the author, the collection stands as the first book written entirely by Child in four years.
- ISBN/Varenr: 9781613167144
- Utgivelsesdato: 07.10.2025
- Utgivelsesår: 2025
- Forlag: American Mystery Classics
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Personer: Child, Lee
- Litteraturtype: Skjønnlitteratur
- Emne: Fiction / Espionage / Thriller
- Målgruppe: Voksne
- Aldersgrense: 0
- Opplag: 0
- Utgave: 0
- Illustrert: Nei
- Sider: 256