Mi Abuela La Loca / My Crazy Grandma
Muchas abuelas son soñadoras, escriben poemas, incluso usan sombreros verdes de plumas... pero pocas se atreven a participar en concursos de poesía, implantar la semilla de la literatura en sus nietos y realizarse a través de ellos, haciéndolos crecer y tejer un hilo de continuidad entre las vidas de ambos mediante la escritura. Petunia es la abuela de Vicente, y de loca en realidad tiene muy poco; al contrario, sus extravagancias se ven matizadas por sus genuinos intereses, de modo que no es difícil identificar a nuestras propias abuelas con la que este libro retrata.
English Description
A story about the introduction to the world of reading and writing, through the inspiring effect that a phenomenal grandmother has on a child.
Many grandmas are dreamers, write poems, even wear green feathered hats ... but few dare to participate in poetry contests and plant a love of literature in their grandchildren, and consequently fulfill themselves through them, helping them grow and weaving a strand of continuity through both their lives by way of writing. Petunia is Vicente's grandmother, and she is not actually that crazy; on the contrary, her eccentricities are explained by her genuine interests. In this way, it's not difficult to identify our own grandmothers with the one depicted in this book.
- ISBN/Varenr: 9786071136916
- Utgivelsesdato: 30.06.2015
- Utgivelsesår: 2015
- Forlag: Prh Grupo Editorial
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Spansk
- Personer: Valenzuela, Jose Ignacio
- Litteraturtype: Skjønnlitteratur
- Emne: Children's Books/Ages 9/12 Fiction
- Målgruppe: Barn/ungdom
- Aldersgrense: 0
- Opplag: 0
- Utgave: 0
- Illustrert: Nei
- Sider: 144