Metropolis thrives under the Nexus, an advanced AI network that promises perfect order and harmony at the cost of individual freedom. In a city where every thought and action is subtly moulded by an unseen hand, a lone dissenter begins to question the system's infallibility, igniting a chain of events that threatens to unravel the illusion of perfection. Metropolis is a chilling tale of control and defiance, exploring the boundaries between autonomy and authority in a society shaped by artificial intelligence.
The first novel in the Metropolis Series, Metropolis sets the stage for a world where the tension between freedom and control simmers beneath the surface. Its sequel, The Algorithm, delves deeper into this intricate dystopia, exposing the Nexus's evolving grip on society and the fragility of rebellion. Together, the series examines the moral dilemmas of a world governed by technology, weaving a narrative of resistance, manipulation, and the enduring fight for self-determination.
- ISBN/Varenr: 9798303774612
- Utgivelsesdato: 15.12.2024
- Utgivelsesår: 2024
- Forlag: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Serie: Metropolis
- Språk: Engelsk
- Personer: Kahl, Peter
- Litteraturtype: Skjønnlitteratur
- Emne: Young Adult Fiction
- Målgruppe: Barn/ungdom
- Aldersgrense: 0
- Opplag: 0
- Utgave: 0
- Illustrert: Nei
- Sider: 120