Health Care Careers in 2 Years: Sets 1 - 2

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The emphasis in these timely volumes is on jobs that do not require advanced medical degrees from prestigious and expensive universities. The career fields covered include nutrition, veterinary sciences, medical technology, physical therapy, and dentistry, among others. Readers will become more confident as they learn that the first step into these career paths with rewarding pay is often certification and associate's degree programs. Readers are also shown how they can advance their careers and expand their opportunities by continuing their education. These practical, hands-on career guides fully support the career preparedness components of the Common Core Standards. Features include: Interviews with and profiles of real workers give readers unique insights into their dream job. Each book features statistics from the Bureau of Labors Statistics, including median wage and projected job growth. Highlights entry-level health care positions, making profitable careers accessible to all students.
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  • ISBN/Varenr: 9781499467543
  • Utgivelsesdato: 30.12.2018
  • Utgivelsesår: 2018
  • Forlag: Powerkids Pr
  • Innbinding: Innbundet
  • Serie: Health Care Careers in 2 Years
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Litteraturtype: Faglitteratur
  • Emne: Young Adult Misc. Nonfiction
  • Målgruppe: Barn/ungdom
  • Aldersgrense: 0
  • Opplag: 0
  • Utgave: 0
  • Illustrert: Nei
  • Sider: 0