Emotions Ninja
"Emotions Ninja" is a vibrant and engaging tale that takes young readers into the world of ninjas who feel just like they do. Each ninja in this book faces a different emotion - from joy to sadness, anger to love - and learns how to deal with them in healthy ways.
This charming story helps children understand that:
- It's normal to experience a range of emotions
- Recognizing and expressing feelings is important
- Developing emotional intelligence is a skill just like martial arts
- Patience and empathy are virtues even ninjas need to practice
- Emotions can be powerful, but they don't have to be overwhelming
With "Emotions Ninja," kids will learn that even the stealthiest warriors face the same feelings they do, and that's perfectly okay.
***** "A must-have for every child's bookshelf! Teaches valuable emotional lessons." - Cindy
***** "My little one loves the ninjas and learning about feelings!" - Stephanie
***** "A fun read that packs a punch of emotion education." - Sara
***** "Captivating! A unique way to explore emotions with kids." - Julia
Targeted at children ages 3-5, "Emotions Ninja" is an excellent addition to any preschool, pre-K, or kindergarten curriculum. It's also a fantastic series starter for parents looking to introduce concepts of emotional awareness and self-regulation.
Add "Emotions Ninja" to your cart and help your child master the art of emotional intelligence.
- ISBN/Varenr: 9798325896903
- Utgivelsesdato: 17.05.2024
- Utgivelsesår: 2024
- Forlag: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Serie: Emotional Regulation Skills
- Nummer i serien: 3
- Språk: Engelsk
- Personer: Lark, Luna
- Litteraturtype: Skjønnlitteratur
- Emne: Children's Books/All Ages
- Målgruppe: Barn/ungdom
- Aldersgrense: 0
- Opplag: 0
- Utgave: 0
- Illustrert: Nei
- Sider: 26